VISSER et al v. HOFVANDER et al - Page 23

          Interference 103,579                                                        
               March 1, 1999 - Visser filed “Visser Request To Add                    
          Hofvander’s Patent To Interference Pursuant To 37 CFR § 1.642               
          (Paper No. 141).                                                            
               July 18, 2001 - Final Oral Hearing.                                    
          2.   Interference-in-fact                                                   
               We consider first Visser’s Preliminary Motion 1 (Paper                 
          No. 17) under 37 CFR § 1.633(b) for judgment that there is no               
          interference-in-fact because none of Visser’s claims designated             
          as corresponding to the count is directed to the “same                      
          patentable invention” as any of Hofvander’s claims designated               
          as corresponding to the count (Paper No. 17, p. 2, para. 2).6               
          Visser’s “motion for judgment on the ground that there is no                
          interference-in-fact . . . is proper . . . [since] no claim of a            
          party which corresponds to a count is identical to any claim of             
          an opponent which corresponds to that count.  See § 1.637(a)”               

               6    We will consider the merits of Hofvander’s motion to              
          suppress (Paper No. 123) only to the extent we rely upon the                
          evidence to which Hofvander objects (1) in concluding there                 
          exists no interference-in-fact between subject matter claimed in            
          Visser’s application and subject matter claimed in Hofvander’s              
          application and patent, or (2) in deciding unrelated preliminary            
          motions after having concluded that there exists an interference-           
          in-fact between subject matter claimed in Visser’s involved                 
          application and subject matter claimed in Hofvander’s involved              
          application.  Should we conclude that that no interference-in-              
          fact exists between subject matter claimed in Visser’s involved             
          application and subject matter claimed in Hofvander’s involved              
          application, other preliminary or miscellaneous motions filed in            
          this interference will be entertained only to the extent justice            
          requires (37 CFR § 1.655 (c).                                               

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Last modified: November 3, 2007