Ex Parte DUGGAL et al - Page 6

          Appeal No. 2000-2037                                                        
          Application No. 08/810,055                                                  
          pressure on the second electrode set, the first compressive                 
          pressure applying means being separate and distinct from the                
          second compressive pressure applying means.”  That would still              
          hold true even if we were to go along with the examiner’s                   
          position that the composite resistive materials in Figure 6 of              
          Grosse-Wilde may be considered as physically spaced apart and               
          parallel to each other.  The addition of the Moorhead patent                
          (particularly considering Figure 4 relied upon by the examiner)             
          does not help meet the recited limitation noted above.  Since the           
          other independent claim (18) and all the dependent claims each              
          contain the above limitation, we do not sustain the rejection of            
          claims 3, 11, and 17-20 over Grosse-Wilde and Moorhead.                     
               Grosse-Wilde and Karlstrom                                             
               The examiner rejects claims 3, 5, 6, 11, 13, 14, and 17-20             
          under this combination.  Again, after reviewing the examiner’s              
          rejection and the examiner’s response to the appellants’                    
          arguments, we are of the opinion that the examiner has not                  
          carried his initial burden of making out a prima facie case to              
          reject these claims.  We agree with the examiner (final rejection           
          at page 3) that Figure 9 of Karlstrom does show two composite               
          bodies 10a and 10b which are in parallel and physically spaced              
          apart, despite the protestation of appellants.  The examiner at             


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