Ex Parte Luo - Page 26

                   Appeal No. 2006-1618                                                                                             
                   Application No. 10/046,797                                                                                       

                   persuasively rebut the examiner's prima facie case.  The rejection is therefore                                  
                           In summary, we have sustained the examiner's rejection with respect to all                               
                   of the claims on appeal.  Therefore, the decision of the examiner rejecting claims                               
                   1-5, 7-14, and 16-36 is affirmed.                                                                                
                           No time period for taking any subsequent action in connection with this                                  
                   appeal may be extended under 37 CFR § 1.136(a)(1)(iv).                                                           


                                       JAMES D. THOMAS                          )                                                   
                                       Administrative Patent Judge              )                                                   
                                                                                )    BOARD OF PATENT                                
                                       JERRY SMITH                              )        APPEALS AND                                
                                       Administrative Patent Judge              )      INTERFERENCES                                
                                       LANCE LEONARD BARRY                      )                                                   
                                       Administrative Patent Judge              )                                                   



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