Ex Parte Park et al - Page 26

                Appeal 2007-2140                                                                                   
                Application 09/892,790                                                                             
                Patent 5,917,679                                                                                   

                                         Function of Nepela’s U-Shape                                              
                       In the Supplement to Reply Brief at page 5, Appellants argue that                           
                Nepela does not ascribe any function to the inverted U-shape.  We disagree.                        
                       An “air bearing” function for the center pad is described in Nepela as                      
                shown by Findings of Fact 28-29.  Therefore, this argument fails to show                           
                Examiner error.                                                                                    

                                  Nepela Teaches Three Air Bearing Surfaces                                        
                       In the Supplement to Reply Brief at page 5-7, Appellants argue that                         
                the claims are patentable over Nepela because Nepela teaches three air                             
                bearing surfaces rather than “not more than two separate air bearing                               
                platforms” as required by the claims.  We disagree.                                                
                       The claim limitation “not more than two separate air bearing                                
                platforms” is a limitation on the number of platforms that form the U-shape.                       
                This limitation does not limit the total number of air bearing platforms.   The                    
                Examiner relies on a single platform 108 forming a U-shape to support the                          
                rejection.  (See Finding of Fact 26.) As discussed above, every element of                         
                claims 21, 30-32, and 41, is found in Nepela.  Therefore, this argument fails                      
                to show Examiner error.                                                                            

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