Ex Parte Park et al - Page 28

                Appeal 2007-2140                                                                                   
                Application 09/892,790                                                                             
                Patent 5,917,679                                                                                   

                       This does not make sense as the “separate air bearing platforms”                            
                extend from opposite ends of themselves.   Also lines 14 and 15 of claim 42                        
                recite “said first side wall portion” and “said second side wall portion”                          
                respectively.  These items have no antecedent basis.  Thus, it is unclear what                     
                structure Appellants are actually claiming in claim 42 and its dependent                           
                       For the reasons supra, we reject of claims 42-51 under                                      
                35 U.S.C. § 112 using our authority under 37 C.F.R. § 41.50(b).                                    
                       We make no prior art rejection of claims 42-51 because the subject                          
                matter encompassed by the claims on appeal must be reasonably understood                           
                without resort to speculation.  Presently, speculation and conjecture must be                      
                utilized by us and by the artisan inasmuch as the claims on appeal do not                          
                adequately reflect what the disclosed invention is.  Note In re Steele, 305                        
                F.2d 859, 862, 134 USPQ 292, 295 (CCPA 1962) (A prior art rejection                                
                cannot be sustained if the hypothetical person of ordinary skill in the art                        
                would have to make speculative assumptions concerning the meaning of                               
                claim language.); Note also In re Wilson, 424 F.2d 1382, 1385, 165 USPQ                            
                494, 496 (CCPA 1970).                                                                              

                            New Ground of Rejection of Claims 21, 30-32, and 41                                    
                       Reissue claims 21, 30-32, and 41 are rejected under 35 U.S.C.                               
                § 102(b) as being anticipated by each of the Ogishima, Strom I, and Dorius                         
                patents.  See Findings of Fact 42-47.                                                              

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