Ex Parte Park et al - Page 29

                Appeal 2007-2140                                                                                   
                Application 09/892,790                                                                             
                Patent 5,917,679                                                                                   

                       Reissue claims 21, 30-32, and 41 are rejected under 35 U.S.C.                               
                § 102(e) as being anticipated by the Ruiz patent.  See Findings of                                 
                Fact 48-49.                                                                                        
                       For the reasons supra, we reject of claims 21, 30-32, and 41 under                          
                35 U.S.C. § 102(b) and (e) using our authority under 37 C.F.R. § 41.50(b).                         

                             New Ground of Rejection of Claims 21-23 and 31-34                                     
                       Reissue claims 21-23 and 31-34 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102(e)                        
                as being anticipated by the Bolasna I patent.  See Findings of Fact 50-51.                         
                       For the reasons supra, we reject of claims 21-23 and 31-34 under                            
                35 U.S.C. § 102(e) using our authority under 37 C.F.R. § 41.50(b).                                 

                   New Ground of Rejection of Claims 21, 31-32, 52-53, 55-56, and 58-59                            
                       Reissue claims 21, 31-32, 52-53, 55-56, and 58-59 are rejected under                        
                35 U.S.C. § 102(e) as being anticipated by the Lairson patent.  See Findings                       
                of Fact 52-53.                                                                                     
                       For the reasons supra, we reject of claims 21, 31-32, 52-53, 55-56,                         
                and 58-59 under 35 U.S.C. § 102(e) using our authority under 37 C.F.R.                             
                § 41.50(b).                                                                                        

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