Ex Parte Steele - Page 4

                Appeal 2007-3623                                                                             
                Application 10/035,747                                                                       

                      Has Appellant shown that the Examiner has failed to establish Huang                    
                describes “status information within the floating point operand” as required                 
                by claims 1-54?                                                                              
                      Has Appellant shown that the Examiner has failed to establish Huang                    
                describes the “control unit . . .” required by claims 21-26 and 31-32?                       
                      Has Appellant shown that the Examiner has failed to establish Lynch                    
                describes “status information within the floating point operand” as required                 
                by claims 1-54?                                                                              

                                           FINDINGS OF FACT                                                  
                      The following Findings of Fact (FF) are shown by a preponderance of                    
                the evidence.                                                                                
                      1. The prior art Huang patent describes that “[i]f the generation of                   
                the result produces one of a predetermined set of special operands, a tag                    
                generator also generates a tag having a predetermined tag value                              
                corresponding to the produced special operand.” (Col. 5, ll. 43-46).                         
                      2. The prior art Huang patent describes that “each of the registers                    
                116 and 118 has an operand value storage portion 116-1 and 118-1 and a tag                   
                value storage portion 116-2 and 118-2.”  (Col. 6, l. 66 through col. 7, l. 2).               
                      3. Figures 1-3 of Huang show a conventional arithmetic                                 
                calculation circuit where one or more operands x and y are supplied from a                   
                memory device, such as a register file 12 and the operands x and y are                       
                inputted to an arithmetic section 14.  (Col. 1, ll. 40-42).                                  


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