
The Meaning of Christmas

Earlier this week, I saw A Charlie Brown Christmas on ABC. The highlight is Linus’ monologue at the end when he explains the meaning of Christmas. Evidently, some adults didn’t watch or learn from this Christmas special in their formative years.

The Salvation Army purports to “preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.” If that is the case, why is the Salvation Army checking on the immigration status of children during their toy drives? Seriously. WWJD. Become a member of the border patrol? Talk about taking the Christ out of Christmas. Even Santa delivers gifts to children around the world and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t share his naughty-or-nice list with the elves at US Immigration and Customs Enforcement.


The Cost of Being a Sanctuary City

Wikipedia states that a sanctuary city generally does “not allow municipal funds or resources to be used to enforce federal immigration laws.” I think this definition is biased and am surprised that Wikipedia hasn’t already flagged it. Stated otherwise, a sanctuary city is one that permits municipal funds and resources to be squandered to circumvent federal immigration laws. In the case of San Francisco, the city has spent $2.3 million since 2003 incarcerating immigrant youth instead of turning them over to the feds for deportation. While the City has a bad rap for its anti-business climate, it does welcome enterprising illegal immigrant drug dealers with open arms.

criminal law immigration

San Francisco is Nuttier Than You Think

San Francisco Chronicle: 8 Crack Dealers Shielded by S.F. Walk Away. An effort by San Francisco to shield eight young Honduran crack dealers from federal immigration officials backfired when the youths escaped from Southern California group homes within days of their arrival, officials said Monday.

I understand how some local governments don’t want to demonize illegal aliens. They’re not illegal, they’re undocumented. 🙄 However, you should distinguish between the hard-working guy scrubbing dishes in the restaurant and the crack dealer, right?

humor immigration

Real Immigration Reform

Kansas City Star: Florida bill would outlaw language denoting `illegal aliens’. Florida state Sen. Frederica Wilson is sponsoring a bill that would outlaw the use of “illegal alien” on state documents. Wilson prefers the use of undocumented citizen or undocumented immigrant.

A certificate of naturalization? Oh, that’s a mere document. Nothing more than a slip of paper. A few scribbles on a piece of paper, really. The oath of allegiance? A few meaningless words. Seriously, an undocumented citizen? Let’s see someone try that one in court.Trafficking in Stolen Property. I am really the undocumented owner of the property in question.Kidnapping. My undocumented child custody order stated I had possession of the kids.Bad Check. My undocumented bank statement said I had enough funds.And, if you ever lose at trial, there’s always the undocumented reversal that the appellate court issued in your favor.