Ex parte HALL et al. - Page 26

          Appeal No. 1998-1357                                                        
          Application No. 08/348,744                                                  

          Therefore, we will affirm the examiner's rejection of claim                 
          108 under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) as being unpatentable over                     
               We now look at the examiner's rejection of claim 110                   
          under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as being unpatentable over                         
          Kettlewell.  We have already seen that Kettlewell does show a               
          three layer tank which can be, at least for some period of                  
          time, a storage tank for whatever liquid is contained therein.              
          Kettlewell discloses an inner tank 10, an outer shell 11                    
          spaced from the inner tank and insulation 13 filling the space              
          between the inner tank and outer shell.  Kettlewell uses                    
          spacing lugs 16 to space the inner tank from the outer shell.               
          Thus, it is our view that Kettlewell shows all of appellants'               
          subject matter recited in claim 110 on appeal except for the                
          intended use of the tank (i.e., for storing gasoline), and the              
          "substantially six inch" space between the inner tank and the               
          outer shell.  While certainly not disclosed for any such use,               
          the storage tank of Kettlewell is certainly capable of storing              
          gasoline.  And, while we believe that the space between the                 
          inner tank and outer shell of Kettlewell falls within the                   

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