Ex parte HALL et al. - Page 27

          Appeal No. 1998-1357                                                        
          Application No. 08/348,744                                                  

          "substantially six inch" range claimed by appellants, or would              
          have at the very least have been obvious to one of ordinary                 
          skill in the art based on the disclosure at page 1,                         
          col. 2, lines 17-19, of Kettlewell concerning desired sizing                
          of the installation therein, we also note that a change in                  
          dimension is generally considered to be a modification that                 
          would have been obvious to one with ordinary skill in the art               
          where the disclosure is silent as to the significance of the                
          particular dimension claimed (i.e., substantially six inches).              
          Therefore, we will affirm the examiner's rejection of claim                 
          110 under                                                                   
          35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as being unpatentable over Kettlewell.                   

               We now look at the examiner's rejection of claims 118 and              
          132 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as being unpatentable over                     
          Kettelewell.  As with claim 108 on appeal, each of claims 118               
          and 132 on appeal recite a three layer storage tank and the                 
          specific limitation that there be fire resistant insulating                 
          material disposed within and filling the space between the                  
          inner tank and the outer shell, the space having sufficient                 
          thickness to enable the storage tank to at least meet a two                 

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