If the name of a foreign entity does not satisfy the requirements of Article 5, the foreign entity, for use in this state, may:
(1) if a corporation, add to its corporate name the word "corporation" or "incorporated" or an abbreviation of one of the words;
(2) if a banking corporation, add to its corporate name the words "bank," "banking," or "bankers";
(3) if a limited partnership that is not a limited liability limited partnership, add to its partnership name the word "limited" or the abbreviation "Ltd." or the phrase "limited partnership" or the abbreviation "L.P." or "LP" but its name must not contain the phrase "limited liability limited partnership" or the abbreviation "LLLP" or "L.L.L.P.";
(4) if a limited partnership that is a limited liability limited partnership, add to its partnership name the phrase "limited liability limited partnership" or the abbreviation "LLLP" or "L.L.L.P." and must not contain the abbreviation "Ltd.," "L.P.," or "LP."
(5) if a limited liability company, add to its company name the phrase "limited liability company" or the abbreviation "L.L.C." or "LLC";
(6) if a professional corporation, add to its corporate name the phrase "professional corporation" or the abbreviation "P.C." or "PC";
(7) if a limited liability partnership, add to its partnership name the phrase "limited liability partnership" or the abbreviation "L.L.P." or "LLP";
(8) if a general partnership that is authorized by the laws of the jurisdiction that govern its partnership agreement to file the equivalent of a statement of partnership as provided under Chapter 8A, add to its name the phrase "general partnership" or the abbreviation "G.P." or "GP";
(9) if a general partnership that is authorized by the laws of the jurisdiction that govern its partnership agreement to file the equivalent of a statement of not for profit partnership as provided under Chapter 8A, add to its name the phrase "not for profit general partnership" or the abbreviation "N.G.P." or "NGP"; and
(10) use a fictitious name available for use in this state that satisfies the requirements of Article 5, if it delivers to the Secretary of State for filing a copy of the resolution of its governing authority, certified by its secretary, adopting the fictitious name.
Last modified: May 3, 2021