Street railroad companies, telegraph, telephone, water, gas, electric, power, canal, pipeline companies, and all other companies formed for constructing, operating, or maintaining any work of internal improvement or public utility may acquire by condemnation for a right-of-way for their railways, lines, tunnels, canals, dams, pipelines, excavations, or works, lands for ways and rights-of-way not exceeding 100 feet in width throughout the entire length of such railways, lines, tunnels, canals, dams, pipelines, excavations, or works, together with the right to cut down such trees as might, by falling, injure the same, together with the necessary lands, other than lands for ways and rights-of-way, for the construction or installation of facilities, apparatus, or equipment necessary for the operation of such railways, lines, tunnels, canals, dams, pipelines, excavations, or works.
Last modified: May 3, 2021