(a) Upon application by the corporation, any successor entity to the corporation, a director of the corporation, any stockholder, beneficial stockholder or unrestricted voting trust beneficial owner of the corporation, including any stockholder, beneficial stockholder or unrestricted voting trust beneficial owner as of the date of the defective corporate action ratified under Section 10A-2A-1.47, or any other person claiming to be substantially and adversely affected by a ratification under Section 10A-2A-1.47, the designated court, and if none, the circuit court for the county in which the corporation's principal office is located in this state, and if none in this state, the circuit court for the county in which the corporation's most recent registered office, is located, may:
(1) determine the validity and effectiveness of any corporate action or defective corporate action;
(2) determine the validity and effectiveness of any ratification under Section 10A-2A-1.47;
(3) determine the validity of any putative stock; and
(4) modify or waive any of the procedures specified in Section 10A-2A-1.47 or Section 10A-2A-1.48 to ratify a defective corporate action.
(b) In connection with an action under this section, the court may make such findings or orders, and take into account any factors or considerations, regarding such matters as it deems proper under the circumstances.
(c) Service of process of the application under subsection (a) on the corporation may be made in any manner provided by statute of this state or by rule of the applicable court for service on the corporation, and no other party need be joined in order for the court to adjudicate the matter. In an action filed by the corporation, the court may require notice of the action be provided to other persons specified by the court and permit such other persons to intervene in the action.
(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section or otherwise under applicable law, any action asserting that the ratification of any defective corporate action and any putative stock issued as a result of a defective corporate action should not be effective, or should be effective only on certain conditions, shall be brought within 120 days of the validation effective time.
Last modified: May 3, 2021