(a) A stockholder paid pursuant to Section 10A-2A-13.24 who is dissatisfied with the amount of the payment shall notify the corporation in writing of that stockholder's estimate of the fair value of the stock and demand payment of that estimate (less any payment under Section 10A-2A-13.24) plus interest. A stockholder offered payment under Section 10A-2A-13.25 who is dissatisfied with that offer shall reject the offer and demand payment of the stockholder's stated estimate of the fair value of the stock plus interest.
(b) A stockholder who fails to notify the corporation in writing of that stockholder's demand to be paid the stockholder's stated estimate of the fair value plus interest under subsection (a) within 30 days after receiving the corporation's payment or offer of payment under Section 10A-2A-13.24 or Section 10A-2A-13.25, respectively, waives the right to demand payment under this section and shall be entitled only to the payment made or offered pursuant to those respective sections.
Last modified: May 3, 2021