(a) The designated court, and if none, the circuit court for the county in which the corporation's principal office is located in this state, and if none in this state, the circuit court for the county in which the corporation's most recent registered office is located may remove a director from office or may order other relief, including barring the director from reelection for a period prescribed by the court, in a proceeding commenced by or in the right of the corporation if the court finds that (i) the director engaged in fraudulent conduct with respect to the corporation or its stockholders, grossly abused the position of director, or intentionally inflicted harm on the corporation; and (ii) considering the director's course of conduct and the inadequacy of other available remedies, removal or such other relief would be in the best interest of the corporation.
(b) A stockholder proceeding on behalf of the corporation under subsection (a) shall comply with all of the requirements of Division D of Article 7, except clause (2) of Section 10A-2A-7.42.
Last modified: May 3, 2021