For the purposes of this article, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
(1) BOARD. The Board of Pardons and Paroles.
(2) GERIATRIC INMATE. A person 60 years of age or older convicted in this state of a non-capital felony offense and sentenced to the penitentiary, who suffers from a chronic life-threatening infirmity, life-threatening illness, or chronic debilitating disease related to aging, who requires assistance with a necessary daily life function and poses a low risk to the community, and who does not constitute a danger to himself or herself or society.
(3) NECESSARY DAILY LIFE FUNCTION. Eating, breathing, toileting, walking, or bathing.
(4) PERMANENTLY INCAPACITATED INMATE. A state inmate who satisfies both of the following:
a. Is unable to perform one and requires assistance with one or more necessary daily life functions or who is completely immobile.
b. Has such limited physical or mental ability, strength, or capacity that he or she poses an extremely low risk of physical threat to others or to the community.
(5) TERMINALLY ILL INMATE. A state inmate who has an incurable condition caused by illness or disease which would, with reasonable medical judgment, produce death within 12 months, and who does not constitute a danger to himself or herself or society.
Last modified: May 3, 2021