Upon the making of such order the register or clerk must give notice thereof by mail, postage prepaid, to each creditor whose name and address he may, by diligent inquiry and investigation, ascertain from the trustee, or assignor, or the record of the deed of assignment in the office of the judge of probate, or any other available source of information, and must also give notice by publication once a week for three successive weeks in a newspaper published in the county, or if there be no such paper, by posting the notice at the courthouse door for the same length of time. Such notice may be substantially in the following form:
"To the creditors of A.B., of _____:
"The said A.B., having made an assignment for the benefit of creditors, and C.D. having filed his petition for the administration of such trust by the circuit court, and the circuit judge having made an order designating the _____ day of _____, as a day by or on which all claims of creditors must be presented; all parties in interest are hereby notified of the filing of such petition, and all persons having claims against the trust estate are required to file the same, or a statement thereof, verified by affidavit, in the office of the register or clerk at _____, by or on the day above specified, or the same will be barred.
"This the ____ day of ______.
E. F., Register or Clerk" |
Last modified: May 3, 2021