(a) No person shall operate a livestock market in the State of Alabama without first having obtained from the commissioner, as required by this division, an annual permit therefor.
(b) The application for such a permit shall be made upon forms furnished by the department, which shall be verified by affidavit of the applicant which shall include all of the following information:
(1) The name and address of the applicant or applicants and, if a corporation, its officers, and if a partnership, the names and addresses of its partners.
(2) The place where applicant proposes to operate a livestock market.
(3) A description of the property and facilities proposed to be used as a livestock market.
(4) The kind of livestock the applicant proposes to handle at the livestock market and the day or days of the week the applicant proposes to conduct sales.
(5) A financial statement of the applicant prepared by a financial institution, certified public accountant, or tax professional, showing the gross amount of business done by applicant during the preceding year, October 1 through September 30, and such statement shall show applicant's assets and liabilities.
(6) An annual animal health inspection of the site performed by the State Veterinarian or his or her duly authorized agent.
(7) Such other pertinent information as the commissioner may require relating to the bond and insurance, as required by this division, together with such information as may be required relating to the physical facilities of the livestock market and its record-keeping system for the identity of livestock received and handled.
(c) A permit shall be issued when the commissioner finds all of the following:
(1) The application is in due form.
(2) The applicant has filed with the commissioner a bond as provided in this division.
(3) The permit fee has been paid as provided in this division.
(4) The requirements of this division and all rules promulgated under this division have been complied with.
(d) A permitee shall notify the commissioner in writing not more than 30 days after any change to the information required under subsection (b).
(e) The permit issued under this division shall be revoked or shall not be issued or renewed when the commissioner finds that the livestock market is not complying with this division or rules duly promulgated under this division or any such livestock market is or has not complied with any requirement of law for the control and eradication of any diseases of livestock or any law requiring the keeping of records relating to the identity of livestock for such purpose or for the tracing of lost, stolen, or estrayed livestock or any rule promulgated under authority of such laws.
(f) Any livestock market refused or denied a permit provided for in this division or any livestock market having its permit revoked or cancelled by the commissioner shall be entitled to appeal such action of the commissioner to the board by filing a written notice or demand therefor with the commissioner within 10 days after notice of denial, revocation of, or failure to renew a permit has been received by the livestock market. The appeal must be heard by the board at the next regular meeting or a special meeting called for this purpose; provided, that such appeal must be heard by the board on a date not later than 30 days following the date on which an appeal is filed. The filing of an appeal shall not suspend the action of the commissioner in the revocation or cancellation of a permit. The action of the board in refusing to grant or in revoking any permit may be reviewed by the circuit court of the county in which the livestock market is located, upon a complaint being filed in the circuit court, accompanied by a bond to be approved by the register or clerk within 15 days after notice to the applicant or to the holder of the permit of the board's decision. Such complaint shall be styled in the name of applicant or holder of the permit as plaintiff against the commissioner as defendant and shall set forth the action complained of and pray its reversal. It shall be the duty of the commissioner to serve an answer within 30 days after the complaint is served upon the commissioner. The case shall be heard de novo by the court and it shall be determined from the evidence whether the refusal or revocation of the permit is or is not justified under this division, and a decision shall be accordingly entered, subject to the right of appeal, which shall lie from a final order or judgment of the circuit court in the same manner as in other civil cases. All appeal rights provided in this subsection shall not suspend the action of the commissioner in the revocation or refusal of a permit.
Last modified: May 3, 2021