Code of Alabama - Title 2: Agriculture - Section 2-17A-4 - Inspections voluntary unless otherwise provided by Congress; other statutes relative to inspections not affected by chapter

Section 2-17A-4 - Inspections voluntary unless otherwise provided by Congress; other statutes relative to inspections not affected by chapter.

The provisions of this chapter authorizing the inspection of rabbit meat and rabbit meat food products shall not be construed to make such inspection mandatory. Inspection services shall be on a voluntary basis upon request of a person, firm, corporation or association desiring such inspection. In the event the Congress of the United States at any time in the future requires compulsory inspection of rabbit meat and rabbit meat food products, then the provisions and requirements of this chapter for inspection of rabbit meat and rabbit meat food products shall become mandatory and otherwise in compliance with such congressional act. This chapter shall not affect, restrict, limit or modify the power and duty of the Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries to provide and require mandatory inspection for slaughter of cattle, sheep, swine, goats, equine and poultry for meat and meat food products for distribution in this state as authorized and required by Chapter 17 of this title.

(Acts 1978, No. 656, p. 944, ยง4.)

Last modified: May 3, 2021