Code of Alabama - Title 2: Agriculture - Section 2-23-4 - Requirements as to labeling generally; false or misleading statements on package labels; delivery slips, etc., prohibited

Section 2-23-4 - Requirements as to labeling generally; false or misleading statements on package labels; delivery slips, etc., prohibited.

(a) Agricultural liming materials sold or offered for sale in this state for use herein or sold for importation into this state for use herein shall have affixed to each container in a conspicuous manner on the outside thereof a clearly legible printed or stamped label, tag or statement or, in the case of bulk sales, a delivery slip, setting forth at least the following information:

(1) The name and principal office of the manufacturer, processor or distributor;

(2) The brand name of the material;

(3) The identification of the product as to the type of agricultural liming material, as defined in subdivisions (2) through (9) of Section 2-23-2;

(4) The minimum percent guaranteed by weight passing through U. S. standard sieves as prescribed by regulations of the board;

(5) The minimum guaranteed calcium carbonate equivalent;

(6) The minimum guaranteed content of elemental magnesium (Mg) if claimed;

(7) The minimum guaranteed content of available potassium (K2O) and/or phosphorus (P2O5) if claimed;

(8) The maximum water content; and

(9) Net weight.

(b) No information or statement shall appear on any package label, delivery slip or advertising matter which is false or misleading to the purchaser as to the quality, analysis, type or composition of any agricultural liming material.

(Acts 1975, No. 1190, §4.)

Last modified: May 3, 2021