If the commissioner finds, on examination, any plant, plant product or nursery stock infested or infected with plant pests or noxious weeds, he shall notify in writing the owner or persons having charge of such premises to that effect, and the owner or person in charge shall, within 10 days after such notice, unless an appeal is taken as provided in this article, cause the removal and destruction of the infested and infected plant or plant product if it is incapable of successful treatment; otherwise, such owner or person in charge shall cause it to be treated as directed in the order of the commissioner. No indemnity shall be awarded to the owner for complying with the above notice or orders of the commissioner.
In case the owner or person in charge shall refuse or neglect to comply with the terms of the order within 10 days after receiving it, the commissioner may proceed to treat or destroy the infested or infected plant or plant product. The expense thereof shall be assessed, collected, and enforced against the owner by the commissioner. If such owner shall fail to pay all such expenses within 30 days, the Attorney General shall, or shall cause the district attorney of such circuit, to institute a civil action in the name of the state for the recovery of the same; and when judgment is recovered and collected, the sum shall be paid into the Agricultural Fund.
Last modified: May 3, 2021