(a) The objects, purposes and duties of the Alabama Experiment Station System are:
(1) To conduct researches, experiments and investigations bearing upon and relating to the production, marketing, manufacturing, use and distribution of agricultural crops and products;
(2) To conduct researches, experiments and investigations for the production, marketing and curing of all kinds of livestock and livestock products that may be sold from or consumed on the farms of Alabama;
(3) To conduct researches, experiments and investigations for the production, culture and use of pasture plants and for the establishment, care, use and management of pastures;
(4) To conduct researches, experiments and investigations for the testing of all kinds of hay, feed and forage crops, including those that may be used for lawns and other sod crop purposes;
(5) To conduct researches, experiments and investigations for the testing of varieties of crops, including soil adaptation and improvement;
(6) To conduct researches, experiments and investigations for the testing of various fertilizers and fertilizer materials on the various soils and for various crops;
(7) To conduct researches, experiments and investigations for the production, marketing, storage and curing of fruit, nut and vegetable crops;
(8) To conduct researches, experiments and investigations for the study of plant and animal diseases and insect pests;
(9) To conduct researches and experiments dealing with forest production, management and use;
(10) To conduct researches dealing with soil erosion and problems arising from the waste of land due to soil erosion;
(11) To conduct researches to discover new uses of land;
(12) To make provision for the necessary land, buildings, fencing, livestock and other physical equipment needed for the research work provided for in this section;
(13) To conduct researches in game and fish production; provided, however, that any researches in game and fish production shall be in cooperation with or upon the advice of the director, so that there may be complete coordination between the work of the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station System and that of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources;
(14) To conduct researches in other similar important agricultural and economic problems, having for their object the development of a more permanent, more profitable and diversified agriculture, as future changing agricultural conditions may demand it; and
(15) To provide for the printing of the necessary bulletins, circulars, etc., in order that the citizens of Alabama may be acquainted with the results of said researches.
(b) All appropriations for the experiment station system and its work shall be devoted to these purposes.
Last modified: May 3, 2021