Code of Alabama - Title 22: Health, Mental Health, and Environmental Control - Section 22-22A-7 - Hearings and procedures before commission; appeal and review

Section 22-22A-7 - Hearings and procedures before commission; appeal and review.

(a) Beginning October 1, 1982, the Environmental Management Commission, in addition to any other authority which may be conferred upon it by law, shall have the power to:

(1) Develop and prescribe its own hearing procedures, unless otherwise specified by law; and

(2) Administer oaths, certify to official acts, take and cause to be taken depositions of witnesses, issue subpoenas, and compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of papers, books, accounts, payrolls, documents and records. In the event of failure of any person to comply with any subpoena lawfully issued, or on the refusal of any witness to produce evidence or to testify as to any matter regarding which he may be lawfully interrogated, it shall be the duty of any court of competent jurisdiction or of the judge thereof, upon the application of the Environmental Management Commission or its designee, to compel obedience by contempt proceedings, as in the case of disobedience of the requirements of a subpoena issued by such court or a refusal to testify therein. The fees of witnesses for attendance and travel shall be the same as fees of witnesses before courts of record and shall be paid from the funds of the department.

(b)(1) The Environmental Management Commission may delegate the power to hear appeals which are before it to a hearing officer. Any such hearing conducted by a hearing officer shall be in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed by the Environmental Management Commission pursuant to subdivision (1) of subsection (a) of this section, and in such case the hearing officer shall prepare findings of fact, conclusions of law and recommendations to the Environmental Management Commission for its final decision.

(2) The Environmental Management Commission may hire hearing officers to hear appeals which are before it. Such hearing officers shall be attorneys licensed to practice in the State of Alabama and shall be paid appropriately from department funds.

(c) Upon a proper request made in accordance with subdivisions (1) or (2) of this subsection and any hearing procedures prescribed by the Environmental Management Commission, any person aggrieved by an administrative action of the department shall be entitled to a hearing before the Environmental Management Commission or its designated hearing officer. To obtain a hearing on any order assessing a civil penalty issued pursuant to subdivision (18) of Section 22-22A-5, an aggrieved person shall either be subject to the order or have submitted timely written comments on the proposed order in accordance with subdivision (18) of Section 22-22A-5.

(1) Request for such hearing to contest an administrative action of the department, other than to contest the issuance of any rule or regulation or emergency order, must be filed with the Environmental Management Commission within 30 days of the contested administrative action.

(2) Request for a hearing before the Environmental Management Commission or its designated hearing officer to contest the issuance of any rule or regulation by the department must be filed with the Environmental Management Commission within 45 days of the promulgation of the rule or regulation by the department; except, that if such request is based solely on grounds arising after such forty-fifth day, then any request for a hearing under this subdivision must be filed within 45 days after such grounds arise.

(3) The Environmental Management Commission or its designated hearing officer shall within a reasonable time, not to exceed 45 days after receipt of a request in accordance with subdivisions (1) or (2) of this subsection, hold a hearing of which at least 15 days' written notice shall be given to such person requesting the hearing and any other named or necessary party. Within 30 days after such hearing, the Environmental Management Commission shall issue an appropriate order modifying, approving or disapproving the department's administrative action. A copy of the Environmental Management Commission's order shall be served upon all parties either personally, by registered mail or by certified mail return receipt requested. The notice and hearing requirements of this subsection shall not apply to emergency orders. Hearings on emergency orders shall be held before the Environmental Management Commission and notice of such hearing as may be reasonable under the circumstances shall be given to such persons as the Environmental Management Commission deems appropriate.

(4) Pending the determination by the Environmental Management Commission, and upon application therefor, the Environmental Management Commission may stay the operation of such administrative action upon such terms and conditions as it may deem proper.

(5) The parties shall not be bound by the strict rules of evidence prevailing in the courts. However, a full and complete record shall be kept of all proceedings before the Environmental Management Commission. All testimony or comments given in any hearing before the Environmental Management Commission shall be electronically or stenographically recorded, but need not be transcribed unless an appeal is taken to court or unless requested by any party who shall pay for the cost of transcription.

(6) Any order of the Environmental Management Commission made pursuant to the above procedure, modifying, approving or disapproving the department's administrative action, constitutes a final action of the department and is appealable to the Montgomery County Circuit Court or the circuit court in which the applicant does business or resides for judicial review on the administrative record provided that such appeal is filed within 30 days after issuance of such order.

(7) Administrative action with respect to which review was or could have been obtained under this section shall not be subject to judicial review in any civil or criminal proceeding for enforcement.

(Acts 1982, No. 82-612, p. 1111, §7; Acts 1986, No. 86-542, p. 1053, §2; Act 2003-397, p. 1136, §1.)

Last modified: May 3, 2021