There is created and established an Indian housing authority for the jurisdictions of Mobile and Washington Counties, to be styled the Mowa Choctaw Housing Authority, whose purpose shall be the provision of safe and decent dwelling places for low-income persons and families in Indian areas.
The Mowa Choctaw Housing Authority shall consist of seven members, and shall be appointed by the Mowa Choctaw Tribal Council. No person shall be barred from serving as a member of the authority because he or she is a tenant or home buyer in a tribal housing project.
Members of the Mowa Choctaw Housing Authority, hereinafter styled the authority, shall serve a term of five years from their appointment, and may serve an unlimited number of terms. In the event of a vacancy on the authority, the Mowa Choctaw Tribal Council shall appoint a successor to fill the unexpired term.
The authority shall select from among its members a chair, a vice chair, a secretary, and a treasurer. No member shall hold two offices upon the authority. The chair shall preside at meetings of the authority. The vice chair shall preside in the absence of the chair. In the absence of both the chair and vice chair, the secretary shall preside.
The tribal council may remove any member of the authority for neglect of duty, inefficiency, or misconduct in office, but only after a hearing before the council, and only after the member has been given a written notice of the charges against him or her at least 10 days prior to the hearing. At the hearing, the member shall have the opportunity to be heard in person or by counsel and to present witnesses on his or her behalf.
Four members shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business of the authority. A member who is unable to attend a meeting in person may present, in writing, a dated and signed voting proxy to a designated representative, who shall attend the meeting and act in his place and stead.
The normal domicile of the authority is Mobile and Washington Counties. Meetings of the authority may be held at other locations within the state upon notification of the members by certified mail, at least 10 days prior to the meeting date.
Last modified: May 3, 2021