(a) No conveyance covered by this chapter shall be erected, constructed, installed, or altered within buildings or structures within this jurisdiction unless a permit has been obtained from the administrator before the work is commenced. Where any material alteration, as defined herein, is made, the device shall conform to applicable requirements in ASME A17.1, ASME A18.1, or ASCE 21 for the alteration. No permit required hereunder shall be issued except to a sole proprietor, firm, or corporation holding a current elevator contractor's license, duly issued pursuant to this chapter. A copy of such permit shall be kept at the construction site at all times while the work is in progress.
(b) The permit fee shall be as set by the board. Permit fees collected are non-refundable.
(c) Each application for a permit shall be accompanied by copies of specifications and accurately scaled and fully dimensioned plans showing the location of the installation in relation to the plans and elevation of the building; the location of the machinery room and the equipment to be installed, relocated, or altered; and all structural supporting members thereof, including foundations, and shall specify all materials to be employed and all loads to be supported or conveyed. Such plans and specifications shall be sufficiently complete to illustrate all details of construction and design.
(d) The applicable fees shall accompany each permit application.
Last modified: May 3, 2021