Any person in interest, his authorized agent or attorney may petition the board of appeals for a review of the validity or reasonableness of any rule or regulation adopted, amended, or repealed by the board of appeals under the provisions of this chapter. The petition shall be verified, shall be filed with the board of appeals and shall state the rule or regulation proposed to be reviewed and in what respect it is claimed to be invalid or unreasonable. The board may join in one proceeding all petitions alleging the invalidity or unreasonableness of substantially similar rules or regulations. The filing of such petition shall operate to stay all proceedings under such rule or regulation until the determination of such review. The board of appeals shall order a hearing if necessary to determine the issue raised or, if the issues have been considered in a prior proceeding, the board of appeals may, without a hearing, confirm its previous determination. Notice of the time and place of hearing shall be given to the petitioner and such other person as the board of appeals may determine. If the board of appeals finds that the rule or regulation is invalid or unreasonable, it shall revoke or amend it.
Last modified: May 3, 2021