Any alcoholic beverages as enumerated and defined in this chapter to be sold or distributed by and through state liquor stores found within this state in the possession of or on the premises of any person, firm, corporation or association of persons not having affixed thereto such mark of identification showing that said alcoholic beverages were sold or distributed by a state liquor store shall be subject to confiscation and sale in the same manner as set forth in this chapter for malt or brewed beverages as defined in this chapter and vinous beverages not exceeding 24 percent by volume which do not have affixed thereto the required revenue stamps as provided for in this chapter.
Persons who are found guilty of having in their possession any such contraband liquors shall be subject to the same fines and imprisonment as set forth in this chapter for persons having in their possession any malt or vinous beverages without the proper stamps affixed thereto as required by this chapter.
Last modified: May 3, 2021