If any person, firm or corporation within the terms of this article shall neglect or refuse to file with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board such statement or statements as required by Section 28-4-127, then it shall be the duty of the said board to make written demand upon such person, firm or corporation to comply with the requirements of Section 28-4-127, such demand to be served by any agent or officer of the board and return made to the board upon a copy of the original demand.
Upon further refusal or noncompliance, it shall be the duty of the board to inform promptly the Attorney General of the state of such failure or refusal, and it shall then be the duty of the Attorney General to file a petition in the name of the state on the relation of the office, filing same in an appropriate court to secure a mandamus to compel compliance with Section 28-4-127 or to file a petition for a mandatory injunction restraining the further noncompliance with Section 28-4-127 on the part of the delinquent person, firm or corporation.
Last modified: May 3, 2021