The obligor and any employer upon whom an income withholding order has actually been served, including successive employers, shall notify the court office collecting the support payments of any changes in employment and the name and address, if known, of any new employer or of any termination of periodic benefits which constitute income. The collecting office shall, in turn, notify the obligee of any such change and of the right to file a written request for service upon any new employer of the obligor. If the income withholding order has previously been served upon an employer, upon the filing of a written request by the obligee indicating the name and address of any new employer of the obligor and the payment of the actual cost of service as further provided in this section, the clerk of the court shall cause to be served, pursuant to Alabama Rules of Civil Procedure, a copy of the income withholding order upon any new employer. The cost of service shall be taxed against the obligor at the time the order is served. The new employer shall file an answer as provided in this article acknowledging receipt of the order within 14 days of actual receipt of the order. Actual cost of service for the purposes of this section shall mean the amount prescribed by law for the service of process upon an additional defendant in a civil proceeding or the actual cost of certified mail when that mode of service is requested.
Last modified: May 3, 2021