(a) The plaintiff's right to relief under this chapter shall not be affected by his or her leaving the residence or household to avoid further abuse.
(b) At any hearing in a proceeding to obtain a protection order, each party has a continuing duty to inform the court of each pending proceeding in this state or any other state for a protection order, any pending civil litigation in this state or any other state, each pending proceeding in any family or juvenile court of this state or any other state, each pending criminal case involving the parties in this state or any other state, and any existing child custody or support order, including the case name, the file number, and the county and state of the proceeding, if that information is known to the party.
(c) The remedies and procedures provided in this chapter are in addition to and not in lieu of any other available civil or criminal remedies. Plaintiffs shall not be barred from relief under this chapter because of other proceedings or judgments involving the parties in a court of this state or any other state.
(d) If child custody, visitation, or support have been ordered previously by a court of this state or any other state prior to the filing of an action under this chapter, the terms of the previous court order concerning these matters may be incorporated into a protection order as long as the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, Chapter 3B, and the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act, Chapter 3A, are followed if an order was issued in another state.
(e) Any protection order issued in this state pursuant to this chapter shall be effective throughout this state.
(f) Any protection order issued by the court of another state shall be accorded full faith and credit and enforced as if it were an order of this state.
Last modified: May 3, 2021