The manufacturers of motorcycle helmets for sale in Alabama shall meet the following specifications and comply with the following procedures:
(1) All protective helmets shall be required to meet minimum regulations of the USA standards set forth in Z-90 regulations of 1966.
(2) A manufacturer desiring to secure approval of a protective helmet shall submit to the Director of Public Safety, State of Alabama, Montgomery, Alabama 36104, postage prepaid, a test report certified as required in Z-90 basic standards, together with a sample of the helmet for which approval is sought. The director may contract with the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators in conducting testing procedures and the giving of approval of helmets submitted.
(3) If, after receipt of the test report from an independent testing laboratory, the Director of Public Safety finds that the helmet meets the requirements, notice of approval of the helmet will be issued.
(4) Each protective helmet approved by the Director of Public Safety shall be labelled on the outside of the helmet above the base of the rear of the helmet with letters or numbers at least one-quarter inch in height, with the manufacturer's trade name and model number or name, which shall be the same as name or number under which the helmet has been approved.
Last modified: May 3, 2021