(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, the Department of Revenue may contract with a third party to manufacture and distribute license plates and validation decals.
(b) The amount distributed prior to April 8, 2014, to the Department of Corrections relating to license plates and decals for each fiscal year shall not be reduced except by the amount of the cost of material, production, and distribution of license plates which would have been incurred if the plates were produced by the Department of Corrections. Any amounts distributed to the Department of Corrections pursuant to this subsection are continuously appropriated to the Department of Corrections for the operation of the Department of Corrections.
(c) The distribution of a license plate or validation decal pursuant to this section shall not affect the issuance fee of the judge of probate or other license plate issuance official.
(d) In addition to any other fees provided for by law, an additional fee of five dollars ($5) is added to the cost of any distinctive license plate, whether prenumbered or personalized, in the year the license plate is issued, except the fee shall not apply to any veteran or military license plate, and Alabama Gold Star Family license plate issued pursuant to Section 32-6-630, or any replacement license plate issued pursuant to Section 40-12-265. The net proceeds of the additional revenues derived from the fee authorized by this section are appropriated and shall be distributed to the Department of Revenue to offset the cost of manufacturing and administering motor vehicle registration credentials as required under this chapter and Chapter 12 of Title 40. The appropriation as provided in this section shall be in addition to any other appropriation made by the Legislature.
(e) The Department of Revenue may promulgate rules necessary to administer this section.
Last modified: May 3, 2021