A separate fund to be known as the Preretirement Death Benefit Fund is hereby established within the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama and the Teachers' Retirement System of Alabama to be held in trust by the respective Boards of Control. Such fund shall consist of all moneys paid by the employers for preretirement death benefit purposes, and of the investment earnings upon such moneys, and shall be used only to pay the preretirement death benefits prescribed by Section 36-27B-3. Concurrent with the determination of the initial liability of this program for the fiscal year on and after the effective date of the program, there shall be transferred from the pension accumulation fund of each system to the fund created by this section such amounts, as shall be determined by the actuary, necessary to pay anticipated death benefit claims. Subsequent transfers shall be made if necessary to pay the benefits prescribed in Section 36-27B-3.
Last modified: May 3, 2021