All revenues collected under the provisions of Sections 40-12-128, 40-12-310 through 40-12-319, 40-25-1 through 40-25-28 and 40-25-40 through 40-25-47 shall, after deduction of the cost of collection, be deposited in the State Treasury to the credit of the Alabama Education Trust Fund. All revenues collected under the provisions of Sections 40-21-56, 40-21-57, 40-21-60, and 40-21-61 shall, after deduction of the cost of collection, be distributed in the following manner:
(1) Fifty-eight percent of the balance remaining after deduction of the cost of collection shall be deposited in the Special Mental Health Fund to be used for mental health purposes; and
(2) Forty-two percent of the balance remaining after deduction of the cost of collection shall be deposited in the State Treasury to the credit of the Alabama Education Trust Fund to be used for educational purposes.
Last modified: May 3, 2021