Each person, firm or corporation who operates what is commonly known as a power or steam laundry shall pay the following license tax: In cities and towns of 35,000 inhabitants and over, $60; in cities and towns of less than 35,000 and not less than 15,000 inhabitants, $30; in cities and towns of less than 15,000 and not less than 5,000 inhabitants, $15; and in all other places, whether incorporated or not, $10. Self-service laundries or concerns commonly known as launderettes shall pay a license tax of 25 percent of the power or steam laundry license. Each laundry operated by hand power shall pay a license tax of $10; provided, that no license shall be required of a person commonly known as a "washwoman." Hotels which operate laundries exclusively for their own guests shall pay a license tax of 25 percent of the foregoing enumerated amounts for power or steam laundries. A person not having a place of business within the State of Alabama where such work is actually performed shall pay a license tax of $25 for the reception or collection of laundry.
Last modified: May 3, 2021