For the purpose of this article, the following terms shall have the meanings respectively ascribed by this section:
(1) MOTOR VEHICLE. Any passenger vehicle that has seats for more than nine passengers in addition to the driver, or any road tractor, or any tractor truck, or any truck having more than two axles.
(2) MOTOR CARRIER. Every person, firm, or corporation who or which operates or causes to be operated on any highway in this state any motor vehicle, as defined herein, except any resident person, firm, or corporation owning or operating not more than one such motor vehicle for his own use and not for hire, and except any person, firm, or corporation the motor vehicles of which are operated or caused to be operated wholly within this state.
(3) OPERATIONS. Operations of all motor vehicles, whether loaded or empty, whether for compensation or not for compensation, and whether owned by or leased to the motor carrier who operates them or causes them to be operated.
(4) MOTOR FUEL. Gasoline, diesel fuel, and any other inflammable liquid or substance by whatever name it may be known and sold, the use of which is as a fuel for the propulsion of motor vehicles.
(5) COMMISSIONER. The Commissioner of the state Department of Revenue.
(6) GASOLINE TAX. The tax imposed by Article 2 of this chapter and by Article 6 of this chapter.
(7) DIESEL FUEL TAX. The tax imposed by Sections 40-17-1 through 40-17-20 and by Article 6 of this chapter.
Last modified: May 3, 2021