The Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Alabama is authorized to make or to have made microfilm copies, photostatic copies, or other similar photographic reproductions of, or electronic reproduction or computer output microfilm of the data from, any books, records, returns, files, minutes, letters, correspondence, motor vehicle registration cards, reports, petitions, permits, applications, receipts, assessments, notices, and any other document required to be maintained or kept by the Department of Revenue or any agency, division, or employee thereof. The Commissioner of Revenue is authorized to destroy or cause to be disposed of, at any time after validation of the reproduction, any of the above named documents which have been microfilmed, photostated, or otherwise photographed or the data from which have been electronically or photographically recorded. Such microfilm, photostat, other photograph, computer output microfilm, or electronically recorded data shall be retained and kept in lieu of such documents required to be kept or maintained. The Revenue Department, in the disposition of its records, shall comply with the provisions of Title 41, Chapter 13.
Last modified: May 3, 2021