Code of Alabama - Title 40: Revenue and Taxation - Section 40-7-25.3 - Current use value of Class III property - Conversion of property to other taxable use

Section 40-7-25.3 - Current use value of Class III property - Conversion of property to other taxable use.

If the sale or other disposition of taxable property qualified for assessment based on its current use value results in or is followed by the conversion of such property, within two years from the date of sale or other disposition, to a use that is not so qualified, then with respect to such property, there shall be levied and collected, in the ad valorem tax year beginning on the October 1 next succeeding the conversion of such property, an amount of additional taxes to be computed in the manner provided by this section. If taxable property qualified for assessment at its current use value is converted to a use not so qualified, then the tax assessor shall thereupon appraise such property in accordance with the provisions of Section 40-7-15 and Section 40-7-25, as amended, and shall compute the amount of additional taxes payable with respect to such property in the manner provided in this section. The owner of taxable property qualified for assessment at its current use value which is converted to a use not so qualified shall so notify the tax assessor of the county in which such property is located, on and after October 1 but not later than January 1 in the taxable year next succeeding the taxable year in which such conversion is made. The tax assessor shall compute the amount of ad valorem property taxes that would have been payable with respect to such converted property if the sales price or the fair and reasonable market value of such property at the time of its conversion, whichever is greater, had been used instead of the current use value of such property in computing the amount of taxes payable with respect to such property for each of the three ad valorem tax years preceding the tax year beginning on the October 1 next succeeding the conversion of such property. Such amount shall be additional taxes to be levied and collected on the first assessment lists prepared subsequent to such conversion in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes and shall constitute a lien on such property to the same extent as other taxes, as provided in Section 40-1-3. If such converted property constitutes only a portion of a parcel so qualified on the assessment lists, the tax assessor shall apportion the assessment of such parcel on the first assessment lists prepared subsequent to the conversion and enter the apportioned amount attributable to the portion converted as a separately assessed parcel on the assessment lists. Such apportionment shall be made for each of the years to which additional taxes apply.

(Acts 1978, 2nd Ex. Sess., No. 135, p. 1868, ยง6.)

Last modified: May 3, 2021