Code of Alabama - Title 41: State Government - Section 41-10-468 - Use of proceeds from sale of bonds

Section 41-10-468 - Use of proceeds from sale of bonds.

All proceeds derived from the sale of any bonds (except refunding bonds) sold by the authority remaining after payment of the expenses of issuance thereof and the funding of any required reserve or replacement fund shall be turned over to the State Treasurer, shall be carried by the State Treasurer in a special account to the credit of the authority, and shall be subject to be drawn on by the authority solely for the purposes of constructing, renovating, reconstructing, improving, altering, adding to, demolishing, and equipping one or more public office buildings (including the State Capitol), surfacing and resurfacing of land for parking and other uses to produce revenue, and all reasonable and necessary expenses incidental thereto, including interest which shall accrue on said bonds during the construction, renovation, reconstruction, improvement, alteration, addition, demolition, and equipping of said buildings, surfacing and resurfacing of land for parking and other uses to produce revenue, and for a period not exceeding two years thereafter. The authority is specifically authorized and empowered to expend bond proceeds to pay a portion of the cost of renovation and equipping of the State Capitol even though the said State Capitol shall not be owned by the authority. Any balance of said proceeds thereafter remaining shall, upon completion of construction, renovation, reconstruction, improvement, alteration, addition, demolition and equipping of the building or buildings for which the bonds were issued and the payment of all costs in connection therewith, be transferred to the reserve fund account of the authority or used to redeem bonds issued by the authority as may be determined by the board of directors of the authority.

(Acts 1990, No. 90-602, p. 1079, §19; Act 98-245, p. 404, §8; Act 2006-618, p. 1690, §5.)

Last modified: May 3, 2021