Code of Alabama - Title 41: State Government - Section 41-16-78 - Exceptions

Section 41-16-78 - Exceptions.

(a) This article shall not apply to any entity that does not receive state funds.

(b) This article shall also not apply to direct health care services provided by the Alabama Department of Public Health.

(c) This article shall not apply to any county or municipality, or any board, public corporation, authority, public utility district, or other entity created by any county or municipality, or to the Alabama Municipal Electric Authority created pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-50A-1, et seq., nor shall it apply to any local school board, the State Department of Education, or other entity covered under Section 41-16-50, et seq., except as herein provided for future support of computer technology or any educational and eleemosynary institutions governed by a board of trustees or other similar governing body, nor shall it apply to any statewide non-profit water and wastewater utility association.

(d) This article shall not apply to any state authority, board, or other entity with respect to contracts related to the issuance of debt which is to be repaid from sources other than state funds.

(Act 2001-956, p. 817, §§11, 12, 14.)

Last modified: May 3, 2021