Code of Alabama - Title 41: State Government - Section 41-29-5 - Reorganization of department

Section 41-29-5 - Reorganization of department.

On the date determined pursuant to Section 41-29-6, the Department of Commerce shall be reorganized into two divisions that shall have the functions prescribed as follows:

(1) The Business Development Division shall be responsible for all of the functions of the Department of Commerce as it existed before date determined pursuant to Section 41-29-6, including, but not limited to, small business advocacy; the functions performed by the Alabama Small Business Commission, created and functioning pursuant to Section 41-29-240 and international trade.

(2) The Workforce Development Division shall be comprised of the following entities which shall report to the Deputy Secretary of the division: The Workforce Development Division and Workforce Investment Division of the Department of Economic and Community Affairs, formerly Chapter 23 of Title 41, the Alabama Industrial Development and Training Institute, formerly functioning pursuant to Sections 41-9-1080 to 41-9-1086, inclusive, and the Alabama Workforce Council and the regional workforce councils of the Department of Postsecondary Education, formerly functioning pursuant to Sections 16-66-1 to 16-66-8, inclusive, and the Legislative Oversight Commission of the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs, formerly functioning pursuant to Section 41-23-7.

Any transfer of personnel, appropriations, funds, or property, real or personal from the Alabama Community College System to the Department of Commerce pursuant to this subdivision, shall be made with the cooperation and approval of the Chancellor and the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Community College System.

(Act 2015-450, §4.)

Last modified: May 3, 2021