Code of Alabama - Title 41: State Government - Section 41-4-180 - Established; duties generally

Section 41-4-180 - Established; duties generally.

There shall be in the Department of Finance the Division of Service. The functions and duties of the Division of Service shall be as follows:

(1) To provide for the stamping and mailing for each state department, board, bureau, commission, agency, and office located and operating in the City of Montgomery and to operate a central mailing room or rooms and service for the departments, boards, bureaus, commissions, agencies, and offices. The Director of Finance shall direct the delivery of mail to such mailing room or rooms by these departments, boards, bureaus, commissions, agencies, and officers as the director may see fit, ready to be delivered to the United States Post Office, except that it shall not be stamped with postage stamps or by means of a postage meter. Every piece of mail, when so delivered, shall bear the name of the department, board, bureau, commission, agency, or office of the state sending it, and all mail received in a mailing room shall be properly stamped with postage stamps or passed through an authorized postage meter and then delivered to the United States Post Office. The Chief of the Division of Service shall cause an accurate account to be kept of all pieces of mail from and the postage used on account of each department, board, bureau, commission, agency, and office of the state, and the cost of such postage shall be charged by the Comptroller against its appropriation for such purpose. Such central mailing rooms shall be conveniently located and shall be kept open for business as long as may be necessary to dispose of all outgoing mail daily. The expenditure of any state funds for postage by any department, board, bureau, commission, agency, or office of the state required to deliver its mail to a central mailing room (other than the Department of Finance) shall be unlawful. This section shall not, however, prevent the stamping or metering of envelopes for the transmittal of unemployment compensation warrants and warrants for the payment of any public assistance benefits in, or the mailing of such envelopes from, the department or departments having charge of the other functions and duties relating to unemployment compensation and public assistance.

(2) To provide exclusively for all telephone service for each state department, board, bureau, commission, agency, and office located and operating in the City of Montgomery and make all contracts and agreements in relation to the telephone service to each of the departments, boards, bureaus, commissions, agencies, and offices of the state located and operating in the City of Montgomery. Insofar as practicable, all telephones shall be connected through a central switchboard or switchboards, into which there may be as many trunk lines as the business of the state justifies. The telephone expense of each such department, board, bureau, commission, agency, or office of the state shall be charged by the Comptroller against its appropriation for such purpose.

(3) To provide exclusively for all clerical and stenographic services to all state departments, boards, bureaus, commissions, agencies, and offices located in the City of Montgomery for part-time or emergency needs, and to operate and maintain a central clerical and stenographic pool for the purpose of providing each department, board, bureau, commission, agency, and office of the state located and operating in the City of Montgomery with all part-time and emergency employees.

(4) To manage, supervise, maintain, repair, improve, light, heat, and clean the Capitol and all buildings and property owned or leased by the state in the City of Montgomery, including monuments and historical sites. In any case in which an appropriation has been or shall be made for such purposes to any department, board, bureau, commission, agency, or office of the state for such purpose, the expenses of such services for buildings or property used by it shall be charged by the Comptroller to such department, board, bureau, commission, agency, or office.

(5) With the approval of the Governor, to allocate space in the Capitol and in all buildings owned or leased by the state in the City of Montgomery for the use of the departments, boards, bureaus, commissions, agencies, and offices of the state.

(6) With the approval of the Governor, to transfer between departments, boards, bureaus, commissions, agencies, offices, and institutions of the state any furniture, fixtures, supplies, material, equipment, or other personal property.

(7) To sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose of any personal property of the state determined by the Director of Finance not to be needed for public use or to have become unsuited for such use.

(8) To perform such other functions and duties of the Department of Finance as may from time to time be assigned, by the Director of Finance.

(Acts 1939, No. 112, p. 144; Code 1940, T. 55, §145; Act 2003-363, p. 1014, §1.)

Last modified: May 3, 2021