The programs and activities of the department shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) To develop and promulgate a state energy policy;
(2) To report regularly to the Governor and annually to the Legislature on the programs and activities of the department and to recommend needed changes in law or administrative practice;
(3) To periodically assess state energy requirements, and to coordinate with the state geologists, the State Oil and Gas Board, and other parties and with appropriate governmental agencies in their determination of available energy supplies and their capacities and their development;
(4) To formulate and update annually a comprehensive state energy management program which shall identify alternative ways in which projected demands for all forms of energy may be met;
(5) To formulate and update annually a contingency plan to provide for adequate energy supplies during any energy shortages which may occur;
(6) To monitor existing programs relating to curtailment, allocation, conservation, planning, regulation and management of all forms of energy and energy sources; and to administer all other programs that are not otherwise provided by law;
(7) To serve as the state's clearinghouse for energy data. The clearinghouse shall be developed with the coordination and cooperation of other governmental data collection and record keeping systems to provide for an inventory, and the cataloging, and dissemination of energy-related information. Upon the request of the director of the department, other governmental agencies, boards and commissions shall, to the fullest extent possible, exchange records, reports, material and other energy-related information in an effort to avoid unnecessary duplication. If the amount of data requested by the department places an unreasonable burden on another agency's manpower or moneys, then the department shall monetarily reimburse such agency for its efforts;
(8) To ensure that all information of a proprietary nature shall remain confidential;
(9) To develop, conduct and disseminate educational and training programs as provided in Section 41-6A-5;
(10) (Repealed effective October 1, 2015) To assist and encourage the various state agencies and universities when applying for energy-related contracts with federal or regional agencies or other groups. This shall be accomplished in such a manner to support and encourage the individual entrepreneurship of the universities in obtaining separately sponsored research;
(11) To review with appropriate energy related agencies regulatory or revenue-producing practices for their impact on energy production and consumption, and to recommend appropriate changes or modifications which may improve the state's energy position without harming its economic status;
(12) To constitute the responsible agency for administering and coordinating federal energy programs delegated to the state subsequent to the enactment of this chapter. Excluded are those programs currently delegated to other agencies, and those programs having objectives consistent with the jurisdiction of other agencies;
(13) To encourage, and coordinate research, development and demonstration activities in the energy areas;
(14) To apply for, when appropriate, and receive and administer federal and private grant funds which contribute to the programs and activities as set forth in this chapter;
(15) To enter into interstate agreements and contracts, when appropriate, to accomplish jointly with other states and the federal government energy research or planning which contribute to the purposes of the department; and
(16) To perform any other function necessary for implementation and enforcement of this chapter.
Last modified: May 3, 2021