Code of Alabama - Title 45: Local Laws - Section 45-28-30 - Etowah County Library Committee

Section 45-28-30 - Etowah County Library Committee.

(a) This section shall be operative only in Etowah County.

(b) There is created the Etowah County Library Committee which shall have all authority as to the expenditure of funds received from the one cent ($.01) sales tax which is provided by Section 45-28-244.01. The funds shall be used only for the maintenance and operation of libraries, the purchase of books and other related supplies for the libraries, professional services, and expenditures for capital improvements, down payments for capital improvements, payment of architectural and engineering fees, and other capital expenditures

(c) The committee shall be composed of five members, four of whom shall be appointed by the county legislative delegation, and the fifth member who shall not have voting privileges shall be the Etowah County Administrator. Each member of the committee shall serve for four years, and vacancies on the committee shall be filled by the appointing authority. The committee shall be appointed within 90 days after July 12, 1995. The first meeting of the committee shall be set by the Etowah County Administrator. Thereafter, the committee may meet as provided in its bylaws.

(d) The committee shall not spend any funds received from the sales tax to pay any compensation to the members of the committee. The county commission shall provide a secretary for the committee and pay the salary of the secretary.

(Act 95-322, p. 688, §§1-4; Act 96-285, p. 329, §1.)

Last modified: May 3, 2021