(a) A medical professional who, in good faith, provides, without fee or compensation, medical treatment, diagnosis, advice, or nursing services as a part of the services of an established free medical clinic, shall not be liable for civil damages as a result of his or her acts or omissions in providing the medical treatment, diagnosis, advice, or nursing services, unless the act or omission was the result of the licensed healthcare provider's willful or wanton misconduct.
(b) Subsection (a) does not apply to a particular case unless the free medical clinic has posted in a conspicuous place on its premises an explanation of the immunity from civil liability provided by this article.
(c) The immunity from civil liability provided under subsection (a) also applies to medical professionals who provide, without fee or compensation, further medical treatment, diagnosis, advice, or nursing services to a patient upon referral from an established free medical clinic.
(d) Acceptance by a free medical clinic of a contribution made by a person receiving services at the clinic shall not constitute a waiver of immunity as provided in this article.
(e) In any suit against a free medical clinic for civil damages based upon the negligent act or omission of a volunteer medical professional, proof of such act or omission shall not be sufficient to establish the responsibility of the clinic under the doctrine of "respondeat superior," notwithstanding the immunity granted to the volunteer medical professional with respect to any act or omission included under subsection (a), unless such act or omission is found to be willful or wanton.
Last modified: May 3, 2021