(a) Before any brake fluid shall be sold, offered for sale, kept for sale or distributed in the State of Alabama, the manufacturer, packer, or distributor thereof shall register the product with the Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries and obtain a permit authorizing the sale of the product.
(b) Applications for registration and permits upon forms furnished by the Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries shall contain:
(1) Name, address, and location of the applicant's brake fluid manufacturing company, packing or distributing establishment and the address of applicant's sales office, if any, in the State of Alabama.
(2) The brand name of the brake fluid which the applicant proposes to offer for sale or distribution in the State of Alabama.
(3) A copy of the label or brand which will be affixed to or imprinted upon packages in which brake fluid will be sold, offered for sale or distribution.
(4) A copy of the standards or specifications of the brake fluid, together with such other information as may be required by the commissioner which is necessary for the enforcement of the provisions of this article.
(c) Registration of a brake fluid as required hereunder shall be renewable annually on or before January 1 of each year, and the permit authorizing sale thereof shall be renewable annually on or before that date.
(d) The annual registration fee for each brand of brake fluid registered hereunder shall be $10, to be collected by the Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries before the product is registered and the permit is issued authorizing sale thereof.
(e) Amounts collected hereunder as registration fees and any amount levied as a fine under the penalty provisions of this article shall be deposited in the State Treasury to the credit of the Agricultural Fund.
(f) The Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries shall refuse registration of any brake fluid which does not comply with the requirements of this article.
(g) Whenever a person who manufactures, packs, or distributes brake fluid for sale or distribution in the State of Alabama shall have registered his brand of brake fluid and has obtained a permit as required under the provisions of this section, no other person shall be required to register the same brand and obtain a permit for the purpose of selling or offering the same brand of brake fluid for sale, as it is the intent and purpose hereof to require that the requirements of this section shall be complied with only once for the sale of the same brand of brake fluid.
Last modified: May 3, 2021