Every proposal to make a sale or lease under this article shall be advertised for at least once a week for four weeks in advance of the date fixed for receiving bids or public auction. The advertisement shall appear at least once a week for four consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the county or counties where the property is located, and at least one time in three other newspapers of general circulation throughout the state. Property located outside the State of Alabama shall be advertised at least one time in three newspapers of general circulation throughout the state. A copy of the proposal shall simultaneously be posted on a readily accessible public bulletin board at the main office of the Lands Division of the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Persons who request notification of the sale or lease of real property by the state and who provide their mailing address with the Lands Division shall be sent notice of the sale or lease. Advertisements for bids shall state the real property to be sold, by description, where the property is located, and the dates and times when the property may be inspected. The advertisements shall further state the date, time, and place of auction or opening of sealed bids. The advertisements shall state that all bids may be rejected by the state. No bid shall be received at any time after the time advertised.
Last modified: May 3, 2021