(a) A local governing body may protest the issuance, renewal, relocation, or transfer to another person of a license by sending the board and the applicant a protest and the reasons for the protest within 60 days of receipt from the board of notice of filing of the application. A protest received after the 60-day period may not be accepted by the board, and in no event may a protest cause the board to reconsider an approved renewal, relocation, or transfer. The local governing body may protest the continued operation of a license during the second year of the biennial license period by sending the board and the licensee a protest and the reasons for the protest by January 31 of the second year of the license. The procedures for action on a protest of continued operation of a license are the same as the procedures for action on a protest of a renewal application. The board shall consider a protest and testimony received at a hearing conducted under AS 04.11.510(b)(2) or (4) when it considers the application or continued operation, and the protest and the record of the hearing conducted under AS 04.11.510 (b)(2) or (4) shall be kept as part of the board's permanent record of its review. If an application or continued operation is protested, the board shall deny the application or continued operation unless the board finds that the protest is arbitrary, capricious, and unreasonable.
(b) If the permanent residents residing outside of but within two miles of an incorporated city or an established village wish to protest the issuance, renewal, or transfer of a license within the city or village, they shall file with the board a petition meeting the requirements of AS 04.11.510 (b)(3) requesting a public hearing within 30 days of the posting of notice required under AS 04.11.310 , or by December 31 of the year application is made for renewal of a license. The board shall consider testimony received at a hearing conducted under AS 04.11.510 (b)(3) when it considers the application, and the record of a hearing conducted under AS 04.11.510 (b)(3) shall be retained as part of the board's permanent record of its review of the application.
(c) A local governing body may recommend that a license be issued, renewed, relocated, or transferred with conditions. The board shall consider recommended conditions and testimony received at a hearing conducted under AS 04.11.510 (b)(2) or (4) when it considers the application or continued operation, and the recommended conditions and the record of the hearing conducted under AS 04.11.510 (b)(2) or (4) shall be kept as part of the board's permanent record of its review. If the local governing body recommends conditions, the board shall impose the recommended conditions unless the board finds that the recommended conditions are arbitrary, capricious, or unreasonable. If a condition recommended by a local governing body is imposed on a licensee, the local governing body shall assume responsibility for monitoring compliance with the condition, except as otherwise provided by the board.
(d) In addition to the right to protest under (a) of this section, a local governing body may notify the board that the local governing body has determined that a licensee has violated a provision of this title or a condition imposed on the licensee by the board. Unless the board finds that the local governing body's determination is arbitrary, capricious, or unreasonable, the board shall prepare the determination as an accusation against the licensee under AS 44.62.360 and conduct proceedings to resolve the matter as described under AS 04.11.510(c).
Section: Previous 04.11.470 04.11.480 04.11.490 04.11.491 04.11.492 04.11.493 04.11.494 04.11.495 04.11.496 04.11.497 04.11.498 04.11.499 04.11.500 04.11.501 04.11.502 NextLast modified: November 15, 2016