(a) At any time after the respondent has been served with a temporary cease and desist order under AS 06.60.400 (b), the respondent may apply to the department to have the order set aside, limited, or suspended. If the respondent has been served with a temporary cease and desist order entered without a prior hearing, the respondent may, within 10 days after the date on which the order was served, request a hearing on the application, and the office of administrative hearings shall hold a hearing and render a decision on the application under AS 44.64.060. A respondent served with a temporary cease and desist order entered without a prior hearing may not apply to the court except after hearing and decision by the department on the respondent's application under this subsection.
(b) The commencement of proceedings under this section does not, unless specifically ordered by the court, operate as a stay of the department's order.
(c) In a cease and desist proceeding under this section, the department may issue an order to prohibit, conditionally or unconditionally, permanently or for a period of time the department determines, a person who has violated this chapter from operating as a mortgage lender, mortgage broker, or mortgage loan originator if the conduct of that person demonstrates unfitness to operate as a mortgage lender, mortgage broker, or mortgage loan originator.
Section: Previous 06.60.400 06.60.405 06.60.410 06.60.420 06.60.430 06.60.440 NextLast modified: November 15, 2016