Alaska Statutes Sec. 08.08.210 - Who May Practice Law

(a) A person may not engage in the practice of law in the state unless the person is licensed to practice law in Alaska and is an active member of the Alaska Bar. A member of the bar in good standing in another jurisdiction may appear in the courts of the state under the rules the supreme court may adopt.

(b) The practice of law shall be defined in the Alaska Bar Rules.

(c) This section and AS 08.08.230 do not apply to the practice of law for the legislature by a person employed by or under contract with the legislature until the results are released of the third Alaska Bar examination following that person's employment.

(d) Employees of the Department of Law, the Public Defender Agency, and the office of public advocacy, whose activities would constitute the practice of law under this chapter and under Alaska Bar Rules are required to obtain a license to practice law in Alaska no later than 10 months following the commencement of their employment.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016